

[019-01]入門 : 伝統織物「金襴」工房見学 [特典付]


伝統的な手機で金襴を織り上げる工房独特の音や空気を感じてください。手織り金襴の製織現場を見学できるのは、日本でここだけ!(前 財団調べ)

 細い絹糸が、金銀の糸とともにみるみるうちに立派な金襴の織物に織り込まれていきます。絢爛豪華な西陣金襴が、いかに手間ひまかけて製織されているか目の当たりにできる貴重な工房です。二人の息子さんが跡継ぎとして育っている『織匠 平居』では、宗教関係の裂だけでなく、新しい分野の織物を織り出してゆく気鋭な姿勢が感じられるでしょう。

体験会場: 工房内・屋内
予約の期限: 3日前まで
会場の状況: 立ち / 座敷あり
体験可能人数: 1~6人
毎月 第2・第4土曜日は要相談。  10:00~12:00  14:00~16:00
特典内容: 手織金襴裂のお土産付
1.5 時間


  • Magical Experience 翻訳する

    B. C.様 ご夫婦でのご参加

    Our visit to the Atelier of Orishao Hirai was the most memorable experience, and was one of our most favourite visits in Japan.
    To have the privilege of visiting a Master Weaver in his studio, and to watch him weave the most intricate pattern with sublime silk and gold thread is incomparable. To know that Orishao Hirai is a 4th generation Weaver , just added to the joy of the Occassion. We were fortunate to have a delightful translator with us, that allowed us to ask a myriad questions, that were gracefully answered.
    This is an experience not to be missed

  • Wonderful experience 翻訳する

    B. C.様 ご夫婦でのご参加

    Our visit to the Master Weaver in Kyoto was an absolute highlight of our trip to Japan.
    The booking brocess was seamless and we were very fortunate to have an exceptional staff member to be with us an interperttor. . We feltt so privileged to watch a 4th genereration Madter Weaver
    working on his loom with the superb silks and gold threads, and to be able to be ask him many questions that the superb interpreter was able to give us the answers,
    .We cannot recommend this experience strongly enough.
    Cannot wait to return to experience the opportunity to visit the Ateliers of other Artisans.
